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The title of the Letter is "Dark cores in
sunspot penumbral filaments" and the authors are Göran B. Scharmer, Boris V. Gudiksen, Dan Kiselman,
Mats G. Löfdahl, and Luc H. M. Rouppe van der Voort. It is
available here as a PDF file
Contact us
If you have further questions please contact us. After each name is
given languages and specialities, although we should all be able to
answer basic questions on all subjects related to the Nature article.
- Göran Scharmer, Professor, Director, scharmer@astro.su.se,
+46-8-5537 8532. English, Swedish. Telescope, solar physics, adaptive optics.
- Dan Kiselman, Research Associate , dan@astro.su.se, +46-8-5537
8531. English, Swedish. Solar physics.
- Mats Löfdahl, Research Associate, mats@astro.su.se, +46-8-5537
8503. English, Swedish. Image reconstruction and adaptive optics.
- Peter Dettori, Science Engineer, dettori@astro.su.se, +46-8-5537
8528. English. Telescope control systems.
- Luc Rouppe van der Voort, Graduate Student, rouppe@astro.su.se, +46-8-5537
8530. English, Dutch. Solar physics.
- Boris Gudiksen, Graduate Student, boris@astro.su.se, +46-8-5537
8529. English, Danish. Solar physics.
- Jonas Förare, Science Editor,
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, jonas@kva.se, +46-8-673 9544
(mobile: +46-70-327 7200)
Time-stamp: <2013-04-19 11:08:42 mats>